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Author: Gisela Wendling, Ph.D.
This post introduces several important distinctions regarding types of change that are explored further in The Liminal Pathways Study, Chapter 5: Patterns of Change. You can download the full chapter here.
Whether we work with a team, individual leaders, or whole organizations, supporting their performance, helping them realize visionary futures, or simply facilitating an offsite, the underlying process they are going through is one of change....
Author: Gisela Wendling, Ph.D.
As The Grove steps into its own visionary future, I have been turning my attention to what it truly means to commit. The picture above is from an early meeting in this process when I was talking with Erik Rolland, Grove senior consultant, and Nevada Lane, Grove partner.
I know that empowered enablers of positive change require an approach that values high engagement, visionary leadership, shifting fundamental assumptions and committing to a...
Authors: Gisela Wendling, Ph.D. and David Sibbet
These times of continuing instability demand that we focus on how we work with change. In this article, Gisela Wendling, Ph.D., and David Sibbet explore how to work with the seven challenges of change they identified in their book Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change. The Seven Challenges of Change™ Framework is an integration of the Theory of Process, on which all of The...
Author: David Sibbet
As the sun rose over the south shoulder of Mt. Shasta on the fourth morning of my vision quest solo, I found myself doing the “Standing Like a Mountain” pose. The theme of constancy in the face of change emerged as a big takeaway from days of reflection, and I would like to share some of that thinking.
Shasta felt almost like a partner on this quest, as my purpose circle looked directly across a large meadow and up to the peak. On the last night...
“Many leaders across the company were looking to increase team engagement and find ways to support their teams in meeting goals. We were getting multiple requests for this type of team performance support, and we just didn’t have the capacity to facilitate all of these teams.”
Devon Twyford
Leadership & Organization Developer, Humana
We worked with Devon Twyford at Humana to address the challenges she and the organization faced around teaming. Through...
As the pandemic transforms into a new normal, organizations will rely on visionary leaders who are skillful at navigating change.
What is Visionary Leadership?
Visionary leaders' essential capability is being able to connect to their own north-star vision (a general direction or calling, if you will) and simultaneously being able to engage the larger organization in a change journey to find out what it will take to develop and realize a shared vision.
Because all change...
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash
Author: Bobby Pardini, President of The Grove
“I’m not sure what will happen next.”
With all of the uncertainty and disruption taking place in our lives, the above statement might seem a bit obvious. Yet, there is power in saying the words, especially in the context of leading teams and organizations. I have discovered this first-hand as my role at The Grove has forced me to reconcile the responsibilities of leading an...
“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors.”
― William Blake
As we enter the third year of living with the pandemic, it seems that we are in a state of permanent liminality, caught in the space between "what was" and "what will become." Liminal comes from the Latin word limen, meaning threshold, like the sill of a doorway, or the point of entrance to a building. In change...
Author: Mike Tarbell
Many leaders are striving to anticipate what the “new normal” will look like in 2021. We are seeing some emerging trends and predict that the health and safety, political, racial, environmental, and economic dynamics of 2020 will lead to some talent, retention, and succession issues that leaders must plan for in 2021 and beyond. COVID-19 has accelerated the need for a renewed focus on talent retention and succession, as turnover will most...
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