New! Team Performance Community of Practice

Realizing Visionary Futures

Supporting Leaders, Their Organizations and Their Teams


Case Studies
Free Excerpt from The Liminal Pathways Study
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Partnering to Support Change

We are experienced process consultants who are passionate about the challenges you and your industry face, with long experience designing and facilitating change. We know how to partner with leaders and process design teams to create the conditions for success, even in the midst of uncertainties. Our work also produces highly visual, communicable plans and documentation, like the Storymap shown here.

Our Consulting Services

We Guide You, We Teach You, We Give You Tools

The Grove's integrated practices have developed over 45 years of experience. We have courses on large systems change, strategic visioning, team performance and graphic facilitation. They all have learnable methods and support including best practice guides, organizing frameworks and immersive experiences. We conduct public and client workshops and are open to customization to meet current needs. Explore here to learn more.

Our Courses


The Liminal Pathways Study

By Gisela Wendling, Ph.D.

The Liminal Pathways Study explores the efficacy of the Wendling Liminal Pathways Change Frameworkā„¢ and how the idea of the liminal opens new ways to understand, assess and practice transformational change.

You will learn:

  • the essential distinctions and insights regarding how people experience and move through transformative processes
  • the central role of inner processes as transformational catalysts
  • how working with affect can allow people to become vessels for positive futures

By combining participantsā€™ stories, theory and practice, this book paints a full picture of what really goes on with change, and helps you evolve your own mental models and approaches. It is written for curious practitioners, experienced change leaders and those new to change work.

Learn More

Our Latest Thoughts on Change Leadership, Teaming & Strategy

Jumpstart Your Strategy with the Context Map

Creating Vitality and Clarity in Remote Work

Initiating Organization Change

Strategic Visioning: Optimizing a Groupā€™s Embedded Wisdom

What challenges are you facing?

Let's talk.

Email us at [email protected] or fill out the form below.