All Courses

Principles of Graphic Facilitation

Learn how to use graphic methods to engage team members and meeting participants, capture ideas, focus the group’s work and foster innovation in this hands-on introductory course. No drawing skill is required.

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Team Performance

Learn essential practices and visual tools that will prepare you to create and sustain high-performing teams. This course includes practitioner certification in The Grove’s Team Performance System and use of The Grove’s Team Performance Survey™.



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Strategic Visioning

This visual approach to planning allows you to bring together the best thinking of your organization to align on what you need to do to restart, grow, and thrive.

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Pathways Through Change

Learn to apply an easy-to-use but highly effective change framework. You will gain practices and ways to think about change will help you tap into the transformational power of change, feel confident in the face of uncertainty and prepare to step into desired new futures.

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Designing & Leading Change

Build your capacity to design and lead change within and across organizations, as well as across sectors. 

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Facilitating Virtual Collaboration

Smooth and effective virtual facilitation requires an understanding of the unique challenges the online environment poses for group work, along with a toolbox of approaches you can draw from. 

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Visionary Leadership: Resiliency in Uncertain Times

This course is for organizational leaders, process leaders, and facilitators who want to connect with their own leadership vision and deeply rethink what it means to be a leader during times of ambiguity and volatile change.

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Courses Hosted By Our Partners

Strategic Planning At Not-for-Profit Organizations

Not-for-profit leaders, board members and consultants learn to use a linked series of five visual process maps that guide a planning team from issues to strategic objectives, action plans and budgeting. This online workshop is led by consultants with deep not-for-profit planning experience.

Details at GMC Website

Questions about our courses, or interested in organizing a course for your workplace?

Email us at [email protected] or fill out the form below.