
Best Practices & Guides

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Common Ground Matrix

This activity allows everyone to share formative experiences and to find out what the “experiential templates” are for cooperation and teamwork.


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Providing everyone with a voice in a meeting is most usefully achieved by doing a “go-around.” It ensures that a couple of people don’t dominate the conversation and that everyone in the meeting is an important contributor. 

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Guided Imagery

The most direct route to a team’s intuition is through everyone’s imagination. A guided-imagery session can draw out ideas quite rapidly if conducted properly. 


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Stringing of the Beads

This practice supports group members at the beginning of meetings to become aware of each person’s own inner state. “Stringing of the Beads,” is a traditional practice from the Origin Teachings of the Delicate Lodge.

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Team Performance Quick Start Guide

Learn why orientation is critical to team effectiveness and receive a best practice to start your team off on the right path.




Team Performance


Visioning & Strategic Planning

Visual Meetings

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Book Excerpts

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The Liminal Pathways Study 

This free excerpt explores how the idea of the liminal supports new ways of understanding and leading change, especially in times of volatile ambiguity.

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Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change

In this free chapter, explore the challenges inherent in organizational change and learn the inner-process dynamics and outer-process structures needed to initiate, realize and sustain long-term change.

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Visual Leaders: New Tools for Visioning, Management & Organization Change

In this free chapter,  learn about Grove Storymaps® and how change leaders can use storytelling to create engagement, alignment and commitment to new ideas and directions.

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Visual Teams: Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, & High Performance

In this free chapter, learn what is possible when teams use visualization to support their work, as well as practical ways visualization can help teams get better results.

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Visual Meetings: How Graphics, Sticky Notes & Idea Mapping Can Transform Group Productivity

This free chapter provides a high-level overview of visual meetings, the different ways they can work for you, and how you can start successfully.


What challenges are you facing?