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Types of Change: Crisis, Change and Transformation grove workshops leadership organization change visual leadership


Author: Gisela Wendling, Ph.D.


This post introduces several important distinctions regarding types of change that are explored further in The Liminal Pathways Study, Chapter 5: Patterns of Change. You can download the full chapter here.

Whether we work with a team, individual leaders, or whole organizations, supporting their performance, helping them realize visionary futures, or simply facilitating an offsite, the underlying process they are going through is one of change....

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5 Neuroscience Tips for Creating Engaging, Productive Meetings grove news grove workshops


Authors: Dick and Emily Axelrod 


Editor’s Note: Recently The Grove’s Tiffany Forner worked with Dick and Emily Axelrod to create a visual template and Leader’s Guide for their meeting planning process, The Meeting Canoe, which they describe in their book, Let’s Stop Meeting Like This: Tools to Save Time and Get More Done. We thought the following tips in the Leader’s Guide were so fundamental to good meetings that we asked if we could...

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