Best Practices and Insights for Facilitating Creativity, Alignment & Organizational Results

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Welcome the New Year with The Groveā€™s 2019 Calendar: 12 Months of Visualizing Change grove news


At The Grove we help people come together to create something new. Clients work with us to begin new initiatives, create or refresh new teams, or set a new direction.

Whatever the facilitative challenge, there are patterns in the way we approach our work. Through metaphoric imagery, this year’s Grove calendar illustrates some of the basic practices that we use to facilitate a creative group process. Please follow along with our visual story, then download The Grove’s 2019...

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5 Neuroscience Tips for Creating Engaging, Productive Meetings grove news grove workshops


Authors: Dick and Emily Axelrod 


Editor’s Note: Recently The Grove’s Tiffany Forner worked with Dick and Emily Axelrod to create a visual template and Leader’s Guide for their meeting planning process, The Meeting Canoe, which they describe in their book, Let’s Stop Meeting Like This: Tools to Save Time and Get More Done. We thought the following tips in the Leader’s Guide were so fundamental to good meetings that we asked if we could...

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Visual Consulting: Harvesting The Groveā€™s Change Leadership grove news organization change


From its inception to the present day, The Grove has helped design and lead large organizational- and community-change projects by successfully applying its visual facilitation, teaming, strategic-visioning, and process-leadership methods. Now Grove founder David Sibbet and Gisela Wendling, vice president for global learning, have written Visual Consulting: Designing and Leading Change, the fourth book in the Wiley & Sons Visual Facilitation Series. It includes several new...

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Happy New Year! Enjoy The Groveā€™s 2018 Illustrated Calendar grove news

Happy New Year from The Grove! Our 2018 illustrated calendar is now available. The Grove’s Malgosia Kostecka and Tiffany Forner have populated each month with a playful combination of text and image. We hope the calendar inspires creativity for you in 2018.


Download / print a 1-page 11″x17″ calendar PDF

Download / print a 14-page 8.5″x11″ calendar (1-page-per-month) PDF


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Allan Drexler: In Appreciation grove news team performance

Author: David Sibbet


I was saddened to hear that my friend and colleague Allan Drexler passed away recently. He was 88. In the 1980s, he and I co-developed the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® and the facilitative methods and tools connected with it. Without Allan, we would not have this model. The depth of his field experience with teams, coupled with his deep understanding of group dynamics developed in sensitivity training at National Training Labs, kept the work...

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Global Collaboration: The Grove Partners Program global learning grove news


Collaboration, networking, relationship. These ideas resonate with many in The Grove’s network, from clients and associates to consultancies in places all around the world that wish to foster creativity and collaboration in their businesses. With this last group, the consultancies, we have formalized a pathway to partner with The Grove.


Who We Partner With

The Grove Partners Program is for small-to-mid-size consulting firms collaborating with The Grove on client work,...

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WATCH VIDEO ā€“ Fundamentals of Flipcharting: Lettering Skills, with Malgosia Kostecka graphic recording grove news

Want to make your writing more legible when you are working on charts at work—or any other time when having readable handwriting smooths the way? Watch this short tutorial with Grove consultant Malgosia Kostecka:


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A Grove Update: Connecting Purpose, Core Values & Leading Change grove news organization change


In these turbulent times The Grove, like everyone else, is heading into rising levels of uncertainty. We know that uncertainty is also a challenge for all of our clients as well as the visual practitioners and change leaders we support. It feels like a perfect storm, and we’re preparing for the big waves.


Navigating Waves of Change


When change comes quickly from external forces that you can’t control, there are some imperatives. It is vital to support your...

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Happy New Year from The Grove! Download and Print Our 2017 Illustrated Calendar grove news

For many years, The Grove has created an illustrated calendar. This year we’ve decided to offer a digital version to any and all. Artists Tiffany Forner and Malgosia Kostecka have integrated words and imagery in meaningful and metaphoric ways—much like the way we work with clients.

Two calendar formats are available:


Download/Print a one-page 11″x17″ calendar PDF.

Download/Print a 14-page 8.5″x11″ calendar (one-page-per-month) PDF.


We hope...

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