Best Practices and Insights for Facilitating Creativity, Alignment & Organizational Results
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For three years, The Grove has supported the creation of a Global Learning & Exchange Network, or The GLEN, to promote evolving the art and practice of collaboration across disciplines, organizations, and cultures to better face the problems of our times. This learning community has been growing steadily, currently boasting 80 members worldwide. Grove workshop graduates, consultants, facilitators, artists, and activists from around the world are members. We are happy to...
Author: Gisela Wendling
Recently The Grove engaged in a yearlong project with the Metropolitan Council (Met Council or Council) in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, focused on building internal process leadership capability. The Metropolitan Council is a regional body that oversees all of Minneapolis-St. Paul’s wastewater, metropolitan transit, housing projects, and regional-planning efforts.
One of the Met Council’s major goals is to work more systemically and...
For more than 40 years, The Grove Consultants International has pioneered and supported a worldwide wave of interest in visual learning and facilitation. Now The Grove has launched The Global Learning & Exchange Network (GLEN), a network of process consultants, facilitators, team leaders, change practitioners, organizational leaders and more. Its mission is to increase people’s ability to collaborate across organizations and cultures by providing a learning community...
Collaboration, networking, relationship. These ideas resonate with many in The Grove’s network, from clients and associates to consultancies in places all around the world that wish to foster creativity and collaboration in their businesses. With this last group, the consultancies, we have formalized a pathway to partner with The Grove.
Who We Partner With
The Grove Partners Program is for small-to-mid-size consulting firms collaborating with The Grove on client work,...
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