Chapter 5: Patterns of Change
This free download from The Liminal Pathways Study explores the useful distinctions between types and drivers of change and how these patterns often unfold across levels of organizational systems and communities. These patterns are explored using the stories of practitioners and leaders.
Additional Resources

Video: Liminality, Ritual & the Sacred in Leadership
Gain insight into personal, organizational and even larger social experiences of transformative change through The Wendling Liminal Pathways Change Framework™ and learn about how a sense of the sacred can inform your change practice.

Book: The Liminal Pathways Study
The Liminal Pathways Study explores the efficacy of the Wendling Liminal Pathways Change Framework™ and how the idea of the liminal opens new ways of contemplating and practicing transformational change.

Book: Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change
Explore the challenges inherent in organizational change and learn the inner-process dynamics and outer-process structures needed to initiate, realize and sustain long-term change.