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Sparking Conversations That Lead to Change: The Team Performance Online Survey team performance

If you have been fortunate enough to be part of a high-performing and well-aligned team, you won’t soon forget the experience. Unfortunately for most of us, this is all too rare an occurrence.

If your team is flailing, divided, or lacking clarity, The Grove’s newly released Team Performance Online Survey (TPOS) can help.



A Platform for Team Learning and Improvement

The TPOS and resulting Report power a data-rich series of conversations to help your team move...

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HealthEast Care System: Storymapping the Quality Journey storymapping

Betsy Stites and Pam Hull had a problem. They had completed a focused strategy process in their organization, the HealthEast Care System in St. Paul, MN. Now the big goal for HealthEast was “to be the benchmark of quality in the Twin Cities.” The problem was how!

“There had been a lot of uncertainty,” Betsy reflects. “Quality is so ethereal. We had to figure out a way to integrate things from an organizational and cultural standpoint.”




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Why Do Visuals Work with Teams? team performance


Author: David Sibbet


What do loosely coupled systems, a stand-up meeting, and tequila have to do with each other? They were all elements in our successful Visual Teams workshop a few weeks ago at Fort Mason, in San Francisco, and argue for why visuals are working with teams.

At the opening of the workshop we invited everyone to share his or her best team experience, and then identify the relevant qualities on a Mandala Vision Graphic Guide® (Groups invariable rediscover the...

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Top 10 Reasons to Use a Storymap storymapping


1. Gain Alignment. Need to get everyone on the same page in your organization? The Grove‘s Storymap™ process is designed to reveal and resolve alignment issues, refine the message and get all stakeholders on the same page and moving toward the same goal.

2. Clarify the Complex.
Fresh visuals provide a clarifying way for people to understand a complex situation. Different information may be flying all over an organization with few people knowing how pieces fit together....

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Helping Veterans Come Home: How Grove Templates are Assisting Military Career Coaches visualization


Author: Susan Berry


Military members are coming home to the U.S. in growing numbers. Drawdowns in overseas operations, and new budget realities at the Department of Defense (DOD), have accelerated the move back to civilian life for many military members and families. For some, this situation has interrupted long-term career plans. For most, the transition comes at a time of economic uncertainty and job search challenges.

As they head home, military members and families can draw...

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The Team Performance Model and Person-Centered Planning team performance

The Challenge

The Institute on Disability at the University of New Hampshire is an entity that focuses on support for people with disabilities and their families. Through person-centered planning, the Institute enables individuals to create a plan for their future through a process-oriented approach, and it became evident that a manual for creating these customized plans was an imperative. “Because the purposes for planning are so diverse there’s been a tendency to oversimplify....

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Your Questions Answered About Team Performance Tools team performance


When and Why to Use Certain Team Tools

We receive many questions from customers about the Drexler/Sibbet/Forrester Team PerformanceTM System of products. We thought it would be helpful to compile some frequently asked questions with our best answers.

Q. I want to introduce the Team Performance System to a group. What products would you recommend?

A. As a facilitator or manager you will need some background on the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® and best practices that go...

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Case Study: Graphic Recording Movies graphic facilitation

Education Elements
is a company that serves K-12 schools seeking to implement blended learning solutions in the classroom. Looking for a way to get across the central concepts about blended learning that would help potential clients understand the approach, Education Elements turned to The Grove for a memorable way to illustrate them. Together, we developed a series of three custom graphic recording movies, each about five minutes long.

Each movie answers a central question: What is blended...

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Visual Intelligence: Using the Deep Patterns of Visual Language to Build Cognitive Skills visual leadership


What Is Graphic Facilitation?

To begin, let me share a story that illustrates how graphic facilitation works. Recently, a rapidly growing human resource development consulting firm operating in China and Japan asked my company, The Grove Consultants International, to come to China and teach its consultants graphic facilitation. In spite of a tradition of using wall posters for communication and having a language based on ideographic characters, the firm had not made the leap to using...

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