Sparking Conversations That Lead to Change: The Team Performance Online Survey
Oct 08, 2012If you have been fortunate enough to be part of a high-performing and well-aligned team, you won’t soon forget the experience. Unfortunately for most of us, this is all too rare an occurrence.
If your team is flailing, divided, or lacking clarity, The Grove’s newly released Team Performance Online Survey (TPOS) can help.
A Platform for Team Learning and Improvement
The TPOS and resulting Report power a data-rich series of conversations to help your team move forward. Team leaders receive immediate feedback on how their teams are performing, in a highly visual report tied to relevant best practices.
The online survey and other tools and services in the The Grove's Team Performance™ System support a climate of discovery and understanding. The process sidesteps the fault-finding and blame that can be destructive to a team’s functioning and well-being.
When to Use This Online Tool
The TPOS is useful and accessible regardless of whether team members are in a single location or are widely dispersed.
Organizations find that the TPOS is particularly helpful when they want to:
1) get a quick “where are we?” diagnostic
2) set a team benchmark
3) fine-tune the team’s practices to encourage high performance
4) help a team that is stuck.
A Playbook of Organizational Change Best Practices
The TPOS is the newest addition to the Team Performance System, a rich suite of tools for creating and sustaining high-performing teams. The Grove has compiled more than eighty best practices aligned to different stages of the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model®. Team leaders draw from these practices to develop a “playbook”, responsive to their teams’ particular challenges.
“People change only if they see the need to change, can imagine something better being possible, and can see some immediate steps for moving in that direction. … By identifying areas in which the team is strong, you can find areas to build on and create the confidence to look at gaps and opportunities.” —The Team Performance Online Survey Fieldbook
See David Sibbet’s book Visual Teams: Graphic Tools for Commitment, Innovation, & High Performance (2011), the second book in his three-part visualization series.