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Leading By Not Knowing in Times of Uncertainty leadership organization change
Photo by Katie Moum on Unsplash


Author: Bobby Pardini, President of The Grove


“I’m not sure what will happen next.”

With all of the uncertainty and disruption taking place in our lives, the above statement might seem a bit obvious. Yet, there is power in saying the words, especially in the context of leading teams and organizations. I have discovered this first-hand as my role at The Grove has forced me to reconcile the responsibilities of leading an...

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The 7 Formats of Visual Language in the Group Graphics Keyboard graphic facilitation graphic recording virtual facilitation virtual graphic facilitation visual facilitation




“One of the things that I love about working this way … is it destabilizes all the habituation that we have. If there’s a big chart in the room that is reflecting what everybody’s thinking, nobody really knows how to game that very effectively. I mean, you’ve got to actually listen to each other.”

David Sibbet


Recently, David Sibbet sat down with Doug Ferguson, president of Voltage Control and host of the Control the Room...

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Dealing with Permanent In-betweenness leadership organization change



“In the universe, there are things that are known, and things that are unknown, and in between them, there are doors.”

― William Blake 


As we enter the third year of living with the pandemic, it seems that we are in a state of permanent liminality, caught in the space between "what was" and "what will become." Liminal comes from the Latin word limen, meaning threshold, like the sill of a doorway, or the point of entrance to a building. In change...

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How Forming Strategy Gives Assurance Amidst Our “Great Unknowing” organization change strategic visioning



Author: Trent Wakenight


When we are lost in the woods, the sight of a signpost is a great matter.

C. S. Lewis


The past 20 months have been like being dropped into a forest without a map. As darkness falls, panic sets in, and a pathway forward fades from view. Finding a clearing in the woods becomes the number one priority, as one literally can’t see the forest for the trees. 

As leaders are reluctant to aim for the outer edge of the forest,...

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Envisioning Organizational Change Online organization change


Authors: Gisela Wendling Ph.D. and David Sibbet


When COVID shutdowns came in March of 2020, Cal Poly Pomona’s College of Extended University, which had become peripheral to the main colleges, realized it was time to reinvent itself. The rapidly shifting landscape of a new, all-virtual world, trends in lifelong professional development, and increasing demand meant the college needed to align internal and external stakeholders behind a powerful vision. The process was...

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Webinar Wrap-Up: Where To Start With Hybrid Meetings graphic facilitation hybrid meetings virtual collaboration


 What are the essential ingredients for successful collaboration in hybrid meetings? There’s certainly alchemy in a face-to-face meeting; the challenge is leveraging that energy and keeping online participants engaged. Done well, hybrid meetings combine the best features of both meeting types: in-person communication and virtual meeting benefits for inclusion, information sharing and interactivity. If anything, hybrid meetings have expanded the value of using...

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Top 8 Ways Our Clients Are Empowering Effective Teams team performance


Recently, Laurie Durnell, Principal Consultant for The Grove, facilitated a user-group session with some of our clients who have fully implemented The Grove’s Team Performance System. All of the HR professionals we invited are in talent development, learning and organization development, or are dedicated to team development as their key role. They represent a range of organizations. Here are the top successes this group revealed about using Team Performance in their...

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A Conversation with Trent Wakenight graphic facilitation virtual facilitation visual facilitation


In April, The Grove was thrilled to announce the addition of Trent Wakenight to its consulting ranks. For the past twenty years, Trent has helped to form and lead executive and work teams through vision and strategy development, change management and team-building processes, employing many of The Grove’s visual tools and methodologies in the process. He is already well versed in our core workshop offerings, so look for him in one of our workshops in the coming months. Following...

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9 Tips for Lightening the Load of Zoom Fatigue virtual facilitation virtual meetings


During this past year of isolation, video-conferencing platforms have become a crucial way to stay employed and stay in touch, but they are increasingly leaving us overwhelmed and exhausted. Stanford professor Jeremy Bailenson has been studying the phenomenon of Zoom fatigue and outlines the four causes in a new study. We briefly describe the causes below and provide some of The Grove’s best practices for lightening the mental load of virtual meetings.



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