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Designing & Leading Change

Organization Change Through Intentional Conversations & Visual Practice

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IN-PERSON | Three days

Contact us to find out about bringing this course to your organization or join the waitlist for future dates.

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“This workshop is a great balance of new material, learning together as a community, and application to participants' current work. It is especially helpful for leaders and facilitators who work across silos, either within and between organizations, or across sectors of the community.”

Mike Dugas
Vision Creation Consulting


Working with your own organizational change challenge, you will emerge from this highly interactive workshop with a process design and a range of proven intervention methods that will lead to success for your client or organization. Grove Founder David Sibbet and Gisela Wendling, Ph.D. will deliver an in-depth look at an approach to change work that integrates transformational processes with dialogic and visual best practices. 

Using The Seven Challenges of Change and the Wendling Liminal Pathways Change Framework™ process models, you’ll explore organizational change not only in terms of stages of process, but also the interplay between inner dynamics and external structures.

David brings 40 years of practitioner experience with complex processes in public, community and organizational settings. Gisela builds on her 25 years of practice and research with organization development, transformational learning, change, and dialogue. Working closely with them, you will experience first-hand the benefit of dialogic process as you engage with the other participants in a visually facilitated learning environment.


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This Course Is for You If:

  • You are an organizational leader looking for insight into supporting the momentum of change over a sustained period.
  • You are a visual practitioner or facilitator seeking to deepen your practice in designing and facilitating organizational and social-change processes.
  • You are a process consultant wishing to use more visualization and work more virtually.


Learning Objectives:

  • Learn the Seven Challenges of Change Framework as a guide to designing and leading organization and social change.
  • Explore the Wendling Liminal Pathways Change Framework to understand the basic pattern of transformational change, with a special focus on the challenging inner dynamics of change.
  • Learn visual practices by developing stakeholder, context and roadmaps for your specific change consulting challenge.
  • Understand how to organize and facilitate a process-design team and design a key meeting. 
  • Learn about ongoing contracting for goals, roles, and results.
  • Explore the role and diverse tasks of leaders of change.
  • Practice change leadership skills including listening, asking questions, increasing self-understanding, and working with creativity and uncertainty.
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What This Course Is Like:

  • Led by Gisela Wendling, Ph.D., and David Sibbet, who together bring more than seven decades of experience working with leaders to support organizational, social and environmental change.
  • Draws from Gisela and David’s book, Visual Consulting: Designing & Leading Change. Chapters of the book and additional materials will be provided digitally. 
  • Provides a safe and confidential learning space for experiencing deep sharing and new relationships with a small group of peers.
  • Allows you time to focus on a change challenge from your organization or client.
  • Uses real case studies from successful projects in both private and public sectors.
  • Provides practice with innovative visual formats and tools.

Questions about our courses, or interested in organizing a course for your workplace?

Email us at [email protected] or fill out the form below.