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Creating a Culture of Collaboration and Change at Cal Poly Pomonaā€™s College of Business Administration organization change storymapping strategic visioning


Recently the dean of The College of Business Administration at Cal Poly Pomona called The Grove for help. The college of six academic departments and more than 5,000 students needed to move beyond a culture of silos, update some of its administrative processes, and address what seemed to be a lack of opportunities for innovation. As the college was getting ready to celebrate its 50th anniversary and was shifting from a quarter-based to two-semester-based system, the timing was ripe...

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A Grove Update: Connecting Purpose, Core Values & Leading Change grove news organization change


In these turbulent times The Grove, like everyone else, is heading into rising levels of uncertainty. We know that uncertainty is also a challenge for all of our clients as well as the visual practitioners and change leaders we support. It feels like a perfect storm, and we’re preparing for the big waves.


Navigating Waves of Change


When change comes quickly from external forces that you can’t control, there are some imperatives. It is vital to support your...

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Exploring Metaphors of Change Management organization change visualization

At the 2015 Association of Change Management Professionals conference, The Grove’s Gisela Wendling and David Sibbet led more than 800 participants in an hour-long general session exploring how to use metaphors to communicate about change management. David’s reflections on the experience follow.




Metaphors provided the doorway into an exciting community conversation at the recent conference of the Association of Change Management Professionals (ACMP). The...

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