Your Questions Answered About Team Performance Tools
Feb 14, 2012
When and Why to Use Certain Team Tools
We receive many questions from customers about the Drexler/Sibbet/Forrester Team PerformanceTM System of products. We thought it would be helpful to compile some frequently asked questions with our best answers.
Q. I want to introduce the Team Performance System to a group. What products would you recommend?
A. As a facilitator or manager you will need some background on the Drexler/Sibbet Team Performance Model® and best practices that go with it.
Reading Material:
We recommend the Team Leader Guide—Strategies and Practices as the most comprehensive book for this. The Model Abstract is a short academic booklet that dissects the Model and its stages.
Presentation Material:
To present the Model we recommend the Model Wall Poster and the Model Overview, which can work as a handout or take-away for team members.
Hands-on Facilitation Tool:
The Team Performance Puzzle is a highly engaging way for teams to work together to quickly understand the Model. The Puzzle stimulates interesting discussions about a group’s experiences while introducing the Model.
Q. How do I convince my stakeholders that it’s important to use the Model?
A. Teams tend to focus on execution and getting results. Often teams can be so involved in “the work” that they don’t understand the root causes of obstacles they continually run into or know how to find solutions. The Model opens up teams to all the critical components of teamwork that support accomplishing “the work.” The Model gives team members the big picture and a set of success factors to overcome the predictable challenges of teams. The Model also provides a common and productive language, especially when things go wrong. For example if a team is frustrated because it isn’t meeting its goals, it may need to look at refining its purpose or role clarification. Having non-blaming language helps the team come together to work through its difficulties.
Q. I have managers in my organization who need practical solutions for everyday team problems. What should I use?
We recommend the Team Leader Guide. Included on the inside back cover of this book is a map that orients users, in managerial language, to common team issues and points them to best practices to solve their team problems.
For more answers to your popular questions about The Grove's Team Performance System, visit the Team Effectiveness section of our website.