Seven Challenges of Change Framework

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A Guide to Navigating the Predictable Challenges of an Organization Change Process

The Seven Challenges of Change™ Framework, created by Gisela Wendling, Ph.D., and David Sibbet, shows how patterns of change play out over predictable stages in a complex organizational transformation process. 

This framework is organized around the challenges that are part of first initiating and then actualizing the change. These challenges require various degrees of attention and iteration and may repeat depending on the scale of the change and other circumstances.

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This Model Supports Our Work In: Systemic Change

We go beyond strategy to guide organizations through the complete cycle of change. The Grove helps stakeholders from across an organization make sense of complexities and uncertainties that any organizational shift brings.

More About Leading Change
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Case Study: Cal Poly Pomona

In this project, a college of six academic departments and more than 5,000 students needed to undertake a renewal process. A combination of methodology, dialogic practice and visual facilitation achieved a successful result.

Read the Case Study
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Read About This Model In: Visual Consulting by David Sibbet & Gisela Wendling, Ph.D.

This book provides a rich set of approaches for working with the inner processes dynamics and creating the outer structures needed to consciously guide people through a change process.




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